Kenya Writers Tutorials

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How to Create an Account with is a is a marketplace connecting writing talents in Kenya to clients/content buyers across the globe. Employers post writing projects on while Writers bid the available projects.

Users create accounts either as an employer or as a writer

Step 1:


Step 2: Click SIGN UP button on the top right hand side


Click the buttons in between the picture

Step 3: Choose either if you want to create an employer’s account or a writer’s account

Step 5: Fill in the form

Possible Errors and their Meaning

A user with that username already exists.” – This means another person has registered using the same username and therefore you should make yours unique. Eg. If your username is Tom, make it Tom 01 or Tom Kamau or Tom K.  

“Form has not been submitted, please see the errors below.” – This means that their is a spcae that hasn’t been filled yet. You need to fill all the blank spaces before submitting the form.
A user with that email already exists.” – Means that the email you keyed in, already has an account with

After suceesfully creating your, you will be redirected to login to your account